12 Sep, 2018

LS/CMI Guidance for Team Leaders

Publication cover image

This guide illustrates key tasks that Criminal Justice Social Work first line managers are likely to undertake whilst using the LS/CMI system. First line managers will typically be assigned to the Team Leader User Group within the system. Anybody assigned to that user group would usually have access rights which would allow them to:

  • Assign and reassign open cases
  • Approve overrides and case closure requests
  • Import and export LS/CMI files
  • Have limited administration rights
  • Produce system reports
  • However, access to the system can be tailored by services, if required, by creating a new user group and assigning some staff to that new group. Therefore, first line managers in some areas might be able to do more (or less) than the tasks set out within this guide – depending upon local decisions about the role and responsibilities of team leaders

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